Friday, February 12, 2016

Why I Love Fridays (And You Should Too)

Cozy weekend it is!
Oh how I love Fridays! It always seems to come at the exact time you need it to and it always brings friends: Saturday & Sunday. How great is that! I always get excited on Fridays, there's all these possibilities of what I could do in the days to come, adventures or spending time with friends and family, or inventing a time machine, travelling to far away galaxies, befriending a polar bear .. wait, I might have gotten lost here a bit. Anyway, the sad truth is I usually end up sleeping in late and staying in my pajamas all weekend if possible. Not sure if that's sad or just really awesome.
So yes, I love Fridays is what I wanted to say. What I don't love is waking up at 7AM but we all have to make sacrifices I guess. Wow, I might get some backlash on that one, but hey, I'm feeling adventurous for some reason today so I'll go with it, ha ha.
Seriously though, I think everyone loves a good Friday you know the type I mean. You get to work early so you can go home at a reasonable hour, your coffee turns out just right, you find a great song that sets the mood for the rest of the day and not to toot your own horn but you packed a pretty darn good lunch. So basically all is in place for you to have a smooth and easy going day so you start making plans for the weekend *well you guys, I already have mine, Netflix and bed, oh and food! God, I almost forgot about the food, ha ha*.
In any case, no matter what you choose to do come the weekend, the point is Friday got you there, it got you to the door that opens possibilities and gave you a two day gift. I consider that some kick ass gate keeping skills. So I'm pretty sure you all agree with me when I say Friday deserves to be loved and awaited. So join me in celebrating the fact that tomorrow the weekend starts and come get your dance on! Speaking of dancing, here's a song perfect for our celebratory dance party - Shut up and dance by Walk the Moon.
Geek out!

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