Thursday, September 15, 2016

T is for Thursday & C is for Coffee

Sometimes we need help getting through the week. Here's a little help to make every day a bit more fun! 

Thank God we have BoredPanda, thanks for the inspiration! 

Friday, June 10, 2016

Let's blog!

You know how you make a plan and you decide what you are going to be doing every day, you have it all scheduled out neatly, so that you get everything done?
Yeah, that was me at the beginning of this year. One of my resolutions was to organise my time better, so that I find time to do what I love while still doing all the stuff I have to. It sounds great, doesn't it? That's what I though, and it works perfectly, in theory.
Sadly, real life takes over pretty quickly and you get, let's say sidetracked by certain things, be it fun activities, a new job opportunity, or learning something new. To sum it up, life happens. You can't really plan for that. So needless to say my perfectly planned out schedule became pretty irrelevant fast. I'm still trying to find that super-organizer that will adapt to my life, preferably on it's own, ha ha. So that it can keep up with everything I have and want to do.
Wow, quite an introduction to what I wanted to say, which was, my blog has been "silently" screaming for attention, ha ha. So here I am, to the rescue of my blog that I'm pretty sure has been feeling like that kid in the back of the class that eats it's hair and has no friends. Be it, my white horse is missing, also my shining armour is at the cleaners, but hey, those are just details. Sneakers and jeans should get the job done just as well. You see it's Friday, so that means casual clothes *hah, who am I kidding, casual-comfy clothes are a constant in my life*.
Okay, enough of this blabbering, let's catch up! Let's see, work is pretty much a given, started learning new skills, checked out the Adwords conference that brought us the new updates *how awesome was that?!*, kept up with friends and life in general also, my Instagram has gotten a lot of my attention lately.
Let's chat a bit about that, what do you all think about Instagram? Everyone else find it incredibly addictive, or is that just me? I'm pretty much on it 24/7 checking for updates from my favourite 'grammers or just searching for new inspiration. It's also a pretty great platform to make new business contacts. I got to step out of my comfort zone and collaborate with a clothing company, which was pretty awesome! I'm also in the process of planning some sort of summer getaway which might turn into an early-autumn getaway, but oh well, vacation is still vacation. Am I right?
So that's pretty much what has been keeping me busy, what about you guys? Anyone have any fun adventures to share? Or fabulous updates? I'm all ears.
Till then, I'm going to start my friday tradition of a 30 second dance party and get this day started.
Geek out!

Friday, April 22, 2016

How to Reach That Proverbial Finish Line

Well hello Friday! Nothing quite like that last stretch before the finish line, that last breath of air you take to get you to there. You muster up all your courage and forget pain or how tired you are, you gather up all your strength and scurry up to break that bow at the end of the line. That's pretty much the general feeling on Fridays. Fridays are the proverbial last stretch on our way to that glorious finish line that is the weekend. Some of us reach for that last bit of strength to get through the day and others reach for inspiration or humour to pass the time. Luckily the Internet provides both, be it in the form of a great article about the new marketing trends or tweaks that help take your campaigns to the next level, or a funny panda trying to get on a swing relentlessly without succeeding. We all have our secret weapons. These things are pretty easy to find, seeing as how the Internet is pretty much that all you can eat buffet that provides everything you could need. Then again some materials are better than others, so I'm going to share some of my favourites.
How about that cute panda trying to make                          Or the little pug playing with his owner?
it on the swing?

There's no shortage of funny gifs that will keep you laughing while you wait for the day to pass. You can't really go wrong when browsing the 9gag gallery or thehumourtrain.
There's also those buzzfeed articles, you know the ones that don't really do much for your career but do wonders for passing the time. Like when start searching for something random and get lost in all the "noise" so you end up on one of these somehow?, though let's face it, we all kinda wanted to read that one. In the end I leave you with an uplifting motivational message to kick start today. "You're one in a melon."
Geek out!

Monday, April 11, 2016

How Social Media Became the New Normal

Starting with the morning news - leading up to the daily Facebook posts, to ending the night with an Instagram stalking session, I think it's pretty clear what the one big common factor in every one's day to day life has become. Social Media.
Long gone are the days when you stopped at the corner kiosk for your morning newspaper that you read while sipping your coffee at the office or on the subway, train or whatever means of transportation you preferred. It was the universal morning ritual. This has now been replaced by your phone, tablet or even laptop and you scrolling through hundreds of headline news. Preferential reading pretty much sums up the morning news experience today. While the "hard copies" are still available, aka the newspaper, it's reign has sadly taken a back seat to that one site where all the world news can be found or the gossip sites that make sure everyone is up to date with their "crucial, life changing" latest starlet scandal.
The mid day break was replaced by a constant Facebook presence. Securely running in the background it makes sure to notify you of every little detail happening while you are away or to busy to keep staring at your screens, both on your phone and computer. It's become an hourly habit, *and I'm low balling here*, to check your feed and notifications, putting the original purpose of Social Media to the back burner. Connecting with people. That's where it all started, the original purpose and idea of the online world. To be able to connect with people all over the world. Great idea, great purpose and even great results. The only problem, it's lost sight of that and has gone on to become a hungry online content monster that consumes everything within seconds and creates the need for more and more content.
And right about now you're sitting there reading this and thinking, ok well you're from a different generation,you don't get this or you're too old to get this. I'm not, trust me, I'm in my twenties, and I'm just as addicted to the online world as the next person. Even though I try to turn my phone off or plan "offline" weekends if you will, I do end up checking my Instagram or my Facebook. It's become human nature. And that right here, is my problem and the reason for this post. Social Media has become human nature. How absurd does that sound? That an app or a platform could have such hold over us that we let it become the new normal. The online world has became the new world, keeping us plugged in and listening at all time.
It does of course offer it's benefits, don't get me wrong I'm just as addicted as the next blogger, Instagrammer or online marketer. The world is constantly changing, it's part of life. So we take the good with the bad, like with everything else.
Geek out!

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Here's Why We Celebrate International Women's Day!

Gotta love beautiful Tulips.
Let's start of with wishing all the lovely ladies out there a happy International Women's Day! I hope you all have a beautiful day and are appreciated, not just today but every day. Although today is an occasion for celebration, this wasn't always the case. The earliest Women's Day was held on February 28, 1909, in New York. In a little over 2 years it grew to something nobody expected, on March 19, 1911 IWD was marked for the first time, by over a million people! Thanks to marches and women defending their rights and asking for equality, now, over 100 years later we get to celebrate this day every year on March 8th. Though it started as a Socialist political event, nowadays in some countries it simply remains a day when women are celebrated and people express their love for them with flowers or presents. A bit of a mix between Mother's Day and Valentine's Day. In other places the political and equal human rights theme designated by the United Nations is still a strong presence on this day and social awareness of
the struggles of women everywhere are discussed and examined. The celebration part of the day differs from country to country, tradition to tradition. Some do it by giving the women in their lives flowers or presents, some do it by wearing purple ribbons in support of the equal rights movement. At the end of the day it doesn't really matter how you chose to celebrate as long as the women in your life feel special. Of course they should always feel special, but having this one day a year that's basically all about them and their equal rights and importance makes for a pretty special feeling. *Take it from this female blogger*. So no matter where you are today and how you celebrate based on where you live or what traditions you follow, make sure to take a minute and make a woman feel special today. Now don't go thinking you need big presents or hundreds of flowers or something like that, don't get fooled by the greeting card companies into going over the top. It's all about the simple gestures, a phone call, a message, a flower, some chocolate, a compliment. Whatever it is that you know will have a pleasent impact on that person today is enough, trust me. I hope everyone feels very special today and appreciated. This geeky blogger wishes you a lovely day filled with laughter and happiness. I leave you with this beautiful message from Google.
Geek out!

Friday, March 4, 2016

Deadpool review. A Must See Or Fox's New Cautionary Tale?

"Hello my little lovelies."
Deadpool was one of the most anticipated movies of 2016! I mean it took over the marketing world both offline and online and they just ran with it, you couldn't watch a trailer without seeing something about Deadpool, this movie was everywhere! Which is usually the standard go to marketing plan with any new 20th Century Fox movie that's coming out, but they took it to a new level with this Ryan Reynolds movie. The investment did pay off with the movie being the second-biggest grossing R-rated film of all time, earning 619.3 million USD worldwide.
Like with all Superhero movies it has a wide audience, everyone loves a good Superhero, especially one with a twist. The twist being he's no Superhero at all actually. Free of the burden of the usual Superhero stigma of respectful and nice and a basic good conscience, Deadpool takes the term Superhero pretty loosely and just goes ahead and loses his social filter when it comes to pretty much everything. It didn't get a G rating for nothing after all. But with all the swearing, cursing, sex scene and a full on naked Ryan Reynolds, comes also comedy and as he puts it a "love story".
The story is basically about Reynolds who has left the special forces and a dishonourable discharge behind and has become a mercenary for hire. Everything is going great for him, he even meets someone who's crazy fits his crazy. Until he is told his days are numbered. To the rescue comes an evil scientist with the promise of Superhero like abilities thanks to a black-market treatment for cancer. Only to find out he's being turned into a super slave. After torture and a rogue experiment he leaves Deadpool completely disfigured, but gives him the ability to regenerate from pretty much anything. He escapes and later goes hunting for the man who did that to him, Ajax *also known as Francis*. 
What makes this movie so fun to watch is the refreshing script and freedom when it comes to the overly sarcastic Reynolds. He truly is enjoyably obnoxious! Also awareness of his own fictional status and constant name dropping of fellow superheroes along with real life actors makes for a fun experience. With a fresh new take on the Superhero movie genre Deadpool changed the Superhero game, proving sarcasm and profanity can fit a hero. It's cool, it's fun, it will make you laugh, cry and go awww only to make you laugh again. So to all the movie lovers out there, I highly recommend watching Deadpool, it will make for one fun movie night, perfect for the weekend!
Geek out!

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

So, Spring. We meet again!

Sunshine, flowers, birds singing, sugar, spice, and everything nice.. Wait, I may have gotten lost there for a minute, where was I? Ah yes, Spring is here! And though I am a huge fan of winter for obvious reasons, the beautiful snow, building snowmen, drinking hot chocolate in front of a fire, spring does have it's upsides. The weather for one, the sun comes out of hibernation and brings with it nice opportunities like romantic walks or the chance to go on a photography adventure around the city without needing 10 layers of clothing to prevent freezing, and so on.
Everyone celebrates the arrival of spring in their own way depending on their customs and traditions. Depending on where you are today you could celebrate by going swimming at midnight, or if you happen to be in Romania there's the traditional mărțişor. One of the oldest customs in Romania is gifting a mărțişor, usually a small pin like medallion paired with red & white strings. Also part of this years tradition is the cold apparently. Seems the weather around here hasn't gotten the news that it's time for the rain to go into hibernation. Spring also means more beautiful flowers. Just think of all the tulips, lilacs, hyacinth and peonies, oh the lovely peonies. Anyway, tell me some of your traditions, how do you spend the first day of spring? What are your tips for a getting spring started the right way?
Wherever you are and however you decide to celebrate this day, make sure you have fun and enjoy this lovely day. Let's kick today off with some dancing, with an assist from Brandon Flowers - Still Want You . Now get on your feet and get to dancing.
Geek out!

Monday, February 22, 2016

Here's Why Instagram Is The New Social Superpower

The giant himself.
We live in a busy world where technology seems to be our best ally. Even though we are drowning in social platforms and new apps that are being developed every day, there are a few platforms that remain "Social Superpowers" as I like to call them. In a time when there are hundreds of copies made of a new app every week, some of them hold their own by following some simple rules, mainly one rule: UX. I think the user experience is one of the most important factors in creating anything that is meant to be used by everyone in the world, since ultimately the users have the power to make or break it. 
So in the arena of Twitter and Facebook, comes Instagram. One of the fastest growing giants of them all, with over 400 million monthly users it surpasses even Twitter. So let's get to it, what is this undisputable's giants secret?
The first reason Instagram is so popular is that it's very user friendly. The interface was created for the every day user. The upload process, the profile settings and even following new profiles is easier than ever.
Then there's brand awareness. While we may not like to admit it we are influenced by society and marketing. Recommendations and advertisements play an important factor in our decision making process. We follow what others do and try new things based on what we see.
The 3rd reason is the freedom it provides. No longer are photographers defined by professional camera's and the technical details. With one smartphone users become 21st century photojournalists. Sharing their view of life and stories with their followers, not unlike a photographer does at an art gallery, turning Instagram into their showing room and followers into their captive audience.
The 4th reason are the number of edit settings. No longer do users have to turn to Photoshop or Illustrater to make their pictures perfect. Instagram offers a wide variety of filters as well as individual edit options to fix everything from lighting to contrast. Giving every day people the chance to be recognised among the best.
The 5th reason are the opportunities it creates. With high quality content comes opportunity. Companies often enter partnerships with Instagrammers that have a big following to promote their services or products. Giving marketers access to a new and real audience and Instagrammers the chance to make a living by doing what they love.
So there you have it, Instagram came - gave users what they wanted - and secured it's place among the giants of today's social media platforms.
Geek out!

Friday, February 19, 2016

8 Songs to Change Your Life

Music will change your life.
Though I have said many times that, for me at least, coffee makes the world go 'round I also believe music plays a big part in that. That's probably one of the reasons my headphones are permanently attached to me, ha ha. So without further ado, here are 8 songs that will change your life!
The first one is the "current obsession", the one song that you can listen to on repeat all day without getting sick of it. For me at the moment that song is by Aron Wright - I Surrender. It was recently featured on Grey's Anatomy and ever since then it has found it's way into my heart and head. It's one of those songs that brings you the classic tale of hurt and hope.
Next up is the "love song", that will always make you think of someone you love or have loved deeply. I bring you: James Bay - Scars. His raspy voice makes even your fingertips tingly and your heart ache for days long past.
There's the "apology song" that lists a lot of regrets for past wrong doings and makes even the best of us think twice about our past actions. City and Colour - The Girl perfectly sums up the sacrifices others make for us and the regret of not appreciating them more for it.
Hozier - Take Me To Church brings us the "brave song", the one song that while discussing current social issues also makes you want to be brave. All about silenced screams it is pushed through by one of the best voices of our time.
The "declaration song" comes from The Lumineers - Ho Hey. A short upbeat song that simply states a desire to be with someone.
OneRepublic - I Lived is one heck of a "party song"! While it might start out slow, it propels you into a dancing mood within seconds!
For the days that you feel like crawling under your blankets, shutting the blinds and never leaving your bed again, I give you the "comfort song" The Civil Wars - Dust to Dust. It will match your mood while silently comforting you with the softness of Joy Williams and John Paul White's voices.
Finally, the "guilty pleasure song" is that one song you know you like and makes you smile but you're too afraid to share with anyone. Walk the Moon - Shut Up and Dance always manages to lift my spirits, ha ha!
There are many more songs that can replace the ones I mentioned above and make our life just a little bit better, sadly I can't list them all or we would never get through this article, ha ha. For every part of our life there is a song that will either help us through it or make it even better and match our happiness. So dive in and enjoy the music.
Geek out!

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

How to Survive Rainy Days

Coffee? Yes please!
While I love rainy days as much as the next person, that is permanently attached to a fuzzy blanket and lost in her Netflix queue, I do think that a full week of rainy days is a bit much. Luckily I have a few tips on how to get through one of those weeks.
The first step, and maybe the most important one, is to always have hot drinks around. Be it coffee for the caffeine addicts or tea for the bookworms. Next on the list is making sure you're dressed warm enough. My favourite choices usually include an oversized sweater with some warm leggings and comfy boots. In case you're lucky and happen to have a few days off from work then it's fuzzy pajamas all the way!
While these are all important another thing to not forget are headphones and a good playlist. You can't get through a rainy day without music *you can't really get through any day without music, or is that just me?*. If you're at home order some great food, get under the blankets and just watch movies all day. There's no better therapy than movie therapy.
Now if you have to actually be productive, shutting the blinds might just save you from wasting time at work and not completing your projects. I always get distracted by the sound of the raindrops on the windowsill, so I tend to stay away from windows. Just stick to your desk and focus on your work, try and distract yourself with funny memes or reading the latest news from around the world, get lost in a great article about new marketing strategies or look at travel websites and plan a vacation, or go searching for some cool tutorials, just find stuff that takes your mind of the horrible weather outside. And don't go falling into a seasonal depression thinking about how life is unfair and start remembering all the things that went wrong in your life so far. That won't help anyone, neither you nor your colleagues who will probably be wondering why you're on the floor rolled up as a ball crying your eyes out. Instead turn your office into a music filled hangout and get to work!

Monday, February 15, 2016

Valentine's Day Aftermath

Tulips and coffee sound perfect to me.
Well, here it is. Monday morning, the 15th of February, also known as the day after Valentine's day. This day has become one of the most popular and commercially profitable days of the year. Advertisers unite to create some of the most heart warming and tear-jerking commercials, that advertise the importance of getting the perfect gift, making the right restaurant reservation and all the other details that make up the perfect valentine's day celebration. They have infiltrated everything, starting with the flowers and ending with the clothes you wear. 
Now you might say: well wait a minute, aren't you being a bit harsh? Or cynical?
All I can say is, in my eyes this isn't a real holiday. Not in the traditional way at least. It just makes people crazy, puts unwanted pressure on relationships and, with the help of the formerly mentioned advertisers, creates unrealistic expectations.
I mean come on, people nowadays will not be happy with just getting some beautiful flowers unless they have a hidden Tiffany box in the bouquet. Limits have to be pushed and new ones created. What's next? Buying a puppy that delivers the flower bouquet with the hidden Tiffany box?
Celebrating love should be simple, classic and elegant. Not this over the top circus like event. But then again, that's just my opinion. Though, I have to give it up to the marketing world, they sure created a massively productive beast turning Valentine's day into a brand that dominates the film and business industry while taking over the online world for a few days a year.
There are of course the people that chose to celebrate in a more modest way, Netflix and food! Flowers are always welcome of course. Yep, you guessed it, that's how this blogger spent last Sunday and I have to say, it was like a mini vacation and I loved every minute of it. Let me know what your thoughts are on this beloved holiday and how you spent it. Gear up for a new week with some good reading materials and coffee of course. 
Geek out! 

Friday, February 12, 2016

Why I Love Fridays (And You Should Too)

Cozy weekend it is!
Oh how I love Fridays! It always seems to come at the exact time you need it to and it always brings friends: Saturday & Sunday. How great is that! I always get excited on Fridays, there's all these possibilities of what I could do in the days to come, adventures or spending time with friends and family, or inventing a time machine, travelling to far away galaxies, befriending a polar bear .. wait, I might have gotten lost here a bit. Anyway, the sad truth is I usually end up sleeping in late and staying in my pajamas all weekend if possible. Not sure if that's sad or just really awesome.
So yes, I love Fridays is what I wanted to say. What I don't love is waking up at 7AM but we all have to make sacrifices I guess. Wow, I might get some backlash on that one, but hey, I'm feeling adventurous for some reason today so I'll go with it, ha ha.
Seriously though, I think everyone loves a good Friday you know the type I mean. You get to work early so you can go home at a reasonable hour, your coffee turns out just right, you find a great song that sets the mood for the rest of the day and not to toot your own horn but you packed a pretty darn good lunch. So basically all is in place for you to have a smooth and easy going day so you start making plans for the weekend *well you guys, I already have mine, Netflix and bed, oh and food! God, I almost forgot about the food, ha ha*.
In any case, no matter what you choose to do come the weekend, the point is Friday got you there, it got you to the door that opens possibilities and gave you a two day gift. I consider that some kick ass gate keeping skills. So I'm pretty sure you all agree with me when I say Friday deserves to be loved and awaited. So join me in celebrating the fact that tomorrow the weekend starts and come get your dance on! Speaking of dancing, here's a song perfect for our celebratory dance party - Shut up and dance by Walk the Moon.
Geek out!

Monday, February 1, 2016

How to Beat the Monday Blues

Coffee should be hot and foamy.
Since we are all trapped in an eternal loop destined to repeat itself, we have arrived at that point again where the bad began. You guessed it, it's Monday! And as you might know by now, I'm not a big fan of Mondays, partly because I wish weekends were longer so I could have one more day of laziness and partly because usually everything that can go wrong, goes wrong on a Monday. Besides, everyone is sleepy and moody and usually the best escape is to put on those headphones and try to get through the day without starting world war three with your friends. Anyone else in the same metaphorical boat with me?
Anyway where were we? Ah yes, the famous Monday blues. Nothing left but try and survive it, so here are my tips on how to do so. First of all, start the day happy = CHOCOLATE! You heard me, forget about your diet and just help yourself out. Next is coffee, no brainer really, this one is essential! Once you have that there is nothing else to do but to hunt down your headphones and look for the appropriate songs. I believe there are two types of scenarios that can happen, you start listening to some happy-pop-dance inducing song, or you go down the path of City and Colour or Thirty Seconds to Mars or James Bay.
Sadly I can't help you with the former, but I can with the latter. So here are some of my favourite songs that usually either get me out of the blues or help me survive it. Walking on Cars - Catch me if you can, now this one is also my ringtone, so it had to be my first choice. Just give it a chance and I'm pretty sure it will find it's way into your playlist. Then there's also City and Colour - The Girl, Casting Crowns - Broken Together , Above & Beyond - Little Something, Kodaline - High Hopes  and let's not forget The Neighbourhood - Sweater Weather. Also, if you're really down there's always Breaking Benjamin - Ashes of Eden!
Those are just a few, but they will help you tune everything out for a bit, until you are properly caffeinated and ready to join the real world. That's mostly all I got, just take it song by song and sip your delicious coffee. Also, if you have a gaming room at your company, spend some time there, gaming always helps! Don't worry, Monday will be over in no time. Let me know what some of your tips are on how to beat the Monday blues. Hang in there.
Geek out!

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Ugh, Why Are Thursdays The Worst?

Netflix and chill.
You know that feeling when you wake up and for a few seconds you think it's Friday and you just have to get through the day and you can enjoy the weekend? So you get yourself out of bed somehow only to realise it's Thursday.
Also, don't you hate it when your friends talk you into doing stuff you don't want? Especially when all you want is to stay at home in bed all day and sleep? Then again you can't always stay inside, that's just antisocial. *Or so I keep hearing...*
But then you do go out and end up at a movie theater. What's up with those nowadays? I mean seriously, what happened to good manners and showing some respect? I used to love to go to the movies with my friends, have a good time, see a new movie, eat a ton of popcorn... But now honestly, every time someone asks me to go see a movie there's about a thousand other things I can think of I'd rather do, clean my room, work an extra Saturday, literally anything else. And don't get me wrong. it's not because the movies suck, or because the prices have gone up *well, let's not ignore that completely either*, it's actually because of the other people in the theater. This new wave of teens and pre-teens or whatever they are called are ruining the movie theater viewing experience *is that a thing?*. I went to see an action movie the other day, man they wouldn't stop talking! And I don't mean normal commentary during the movie, or even about the movie, no I mean nonsense and childish gossip. Now you might say, well wait a minute, you're being too harsh. All I have to say to that is: NO! Trust me, I'm usually a very calm person, I don't really get upset that easily, also I don't really care what goes on around me. But if I go to the movies and you sit in the back and I can't hear the movie, in the freakin movie theater because of you, than you know you are being loud and obnoxious.
Phew, ranting feels good sometimes. No worries, this is easy enough to fix, this geek prefers to stay home and watch her Netflix queue! Anyone else having the same issues? I really hope you aren't, if you are tell me what you think we could do to take back the movie theater. Ha ha, have a good day.
Geek out!

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Early Morning Wake Up Calls and Weekend Fever

Winter has it's moments.
Waking up early is as much of a reward as it is a burden. And some things even coffee can't fix. Of course that doesn't mean we don't try, after all there is no good morning without coffee. So let's get started with our day shall we?
The good news *and yes I have some good news at this ungodly hour* is that today is Wednesday which means we are only 3 days away from the weekend! Can I get a whoop whoop? *Sorry, I go full nerd sometimes*.
Anyway, every year I try to experience new things and visit new places go on exciting adventures. So I need ideas for this year, what cool places have you been to that left an impression and have earned themselves a place in your memories forever? Travelling is one of the things that keeps me going on early mornings such as this one, or at least the hope of travelling in the future. Making plans and dreaming of places far away. Recently, dreaming of places where the temperatures aren't sub freezing like say -13 degrees Celsius. As you can imagine my fluffy blanket is stuck to me like superglue! But winter does have it's advantages, it comes with a sense of nostalgia and magic. Turning the usual, mundane things into beautiful pieces of art. And I love that!
Also, it makes photography so much more fun. I love sharing my view of the world through photography, somehow it seems to be a window into someone's life without having met them before. I always feel better when I'm behind a camera looking through my lens at how the world is moving and changing. I feel safe there, more like me. Do you ever have that feeling? Like it's the one thing that makes you smile no matter how bad a day you are having? Let me know what makes you feel that way and if you hate early morning wake up calls as much as me. Have a fun and productive day.
Geek out!

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Snowmageddon and Arrow fandom

Snowy days require hot coffee.
And a snowy morning to you too! How's that old saying go? "Ask and you shall receive". Well I asked and I sure did receive. The weirdest thing happened, I woke up this morning to what *from my window at 7 AM* looked like snowmageddon! I'm not even joking, I know it sounds very doom and gloom *it is what I was going for after all* but I honestly can't figure out what happened. It's like we went to sleep during the spring and woke up in the middle of the winter. I have this weird feeling like I should start decorating my house for Christmas and go shopping for presents. Ha ha, Déjà-vu!
I guess I should be happy, after all I did say I was annoyed with the lack of snow lately, it's just I didn't expect it to appear out of the blue and take over everything. Oh well, happy to have it.
As you can imagine I got to work covered in snow and in dire need of a hot cup of coffee and my fuzzy blanket, luckily I found both at work.
In other news, Flash and Arrow are back! Let's all take a moment to settle down and let our hearts calm down a bit. Alrighty, now that we all stopped jumping up and down like little kids, how great is that!!! Flash was amazing, can't wait to watch Arrow tonight, I have all these questions like what happened to Felicity? Was that her gravestone in the beginning? For some reason I always thought it would be Captain Lance's. Also, does Oliver get elected as mayor? Can't wait to get home tonight, grab some popcorn and enjoy the new episode. Anyone else get this excited about TV series? Or am I alone in my fandom or weirdness, not sure about these two. Oh well, geeks will be geeks. Let me know what you think of the new episode or if you have any predictions about what's to come.
Also, tomorrow is Friday! I leave you to jump up and down with excitement over that news. Have a good one.
Geek out!

Monday, January 18, 2016

Netflix addictions and hot coffee.

Monday morning routine.
I'd like to say good morning. But seeing as this is a Monday, I can't pretend there's anything good about this morning. So I'll just start with, 'sup? *Yes, I'm aware nobody has said that in a very long time.*
I hope you all had a long and comfy weekend. Mine was a bit longer than usual, 4 day weekend, I highly recommend it! Spent it mostly *as expected* in bed, the usual routine, comfy pj's, food and netflix! Btw, does anyone else get lost in Netflix sometimes? Or is that just me? I mean I was on it the other night and I just started watching an episode of Grey's Anatomy, and by the time I looked up from my screen, the sun was about to rise and I was watching some movie about ghosts and supernatural beings! Not sure if that's sad or scary. Anyone else ever been in this situation?
In other news, I'm a big Instagrammer, not as in I have a lot of followers, more like I love it! And these days it seems all anyone can post is pictures of beautiful snow. Sadly, my city is lacking snow big time! It's like the freaking spring over here. Sunshine and great weather. Not that I normally mind good weather, it's just, come on, we had like 2 days of snow and even those were more like a snow preview to be honest. I love building snowman and having snowball fights. *Yes, I realise I sound like a little kid, so what?* So if anyone is bored of having snow, please do send some to us over here. We would be so happy to take it of your hands, or city, ugh you get it.
Not very likely, I know. But hey, a geek can dream, right? Ha ha.
I leave you know to "enjoy" this Monday as my coffee is waiting for me. Have a good one.
Geek out!

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Rainy days and fuzzy blankets.

Voila! Bon appetit!
Nothing worse than a rainy day, or week, to make you feel blue. I enjoy rain as much as the next person, I just usually prefer it during the weekend when I don't have to be productive or think or you know, change out of my pajamas.
Anyway, in other more positive news, I tried the mini quiche recipe, better yet I didn't burn down the house in the process, ha ha. I have to say, it was less work than I first imagined, also the ingredients needed were all things I had in my fridge. So that was a big plus! Not to mention, it was really tasty! So if you have an hour to spare before your party or your movie night with friends, I definitely recommend trying this recipe. The downside, your guests might not leave and ask for more, so be prepared for that.
Wow! I almost forgot, did anyone watch The Shannara Chronicles? I am hooked! If you haven't seen it, check out the trailer. I'm pretty sure that is all it will take to at least make you intrigued enough to watch it.
Now excuse me while I go fill my mug with some coffee and I go looking for my fuzzy blanket. All necessary things to get through this rainy, cold, Tuesday that for some reason, feels more like a Monday. Does that ever happen to you? Monday, Tuesday, they seem to be the evil stepsisters of the rest of the week, determined to ruin everyone''s fun! Oh well, necessary evil and all that. I leave you with my: how to make mini quiche appetizers, video. Hope you enjoy it and let me know if you tried it out!
Geek out!

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Late mornings and foamy cappuccinos

Good morning fellow geeks, and non geeks of course. Do you know what makes all the difference between a bad morning and a good morning? You guessed it! For this coffee addict it's a delicious hot foamy cappuccino! Getting enough sleep is also on the list, which sadly I am not getting enough of. I hate those mornings when your alarm goes off and you feel like you've just been asked to work a double shift, after being at work for about 72 hours.
In other news, I am beyond excited that all my favorite TV shows are slowly returning one by one. I am officially caught up with every single one *yes, I have a magic list with all my favorite shows and the days they air, what, that's normal!*
Anyway, what shows do you like? Are you as hooked on them as I am? Nothing wrong with that! Though this addiction may be a factor in my non sleeping problem, but then again, I'd rather watch Arrow or Grey's Anatomy, How to get away with murder, and so on, instead of sleeping.
Besides, I have my trusty coffee to get me through the day! What is your secret to staying awake?
Fun fact, one of my passions is trying new things, be it a DIY project, starting a blog, photography, or, since I love food *I mean who doesn't?*, trying out amazing and fun recipes. You're probably wondering why I am mentioning this, out of the blue? Well I found this really cool recipe for Quiche Toast Cups. Since I am sharing my everyday ramblings with you guys, I will try and document the process of making these myself! I'll keep you updated and show you the results, hopefully. Ha ha. Untill then, I wish you a great week!
Geek out!

Monday, January 4, 2016

New year resolutions and fuzzy champagne

Fuzzy champagne.
First of all, 2015 you were great and you will be missed! *takes a moment of silence, and a big sip of coffee*.
Now, how is your first Monday going? Mine, as it turns out is going great. Got to sleep in, got my coffee and my trusted laptop close by. Also, I get to spend it in bed under my comfy blanket and pretty much sleep the day away. Decided to lock myself inside for the day, binge watch some shows, order some food and avoid the outside world for a little bit longer. *wow, I sound like one of those people that are happy when plans get cancelled. Oh wait, I am one of those people. Ha ha.*
How was your new years eve? Was it everything you hoped it would be? Did you wear your shiny dresses and bow ties? Also did you kiss anyone at midnight?
I always liked that, kissing someone at midnight, like that somehow meant you would be together and it would all be ok for the coming year at least. Oh well, fairy tales will make your reality a bit distorted.
Also, did you make your new year resolutions? I have a few. Last year I had a lot of them and I didn't manage to do them all, so this year I am keeping it simple. Be brave and look for the unexpected, try and meet new people as often as I can, be more social *apparently being a geeky shut in that is more comfortable in her room with her head buried in her devices and books is frowned upon*, and learn something new.
These are the basics that I hope will drive me this year. What are some of your resolutions? Are you keeping it simple? I hope this Monday treats you right, I am off to start binge watching Grey's Anatomy. Don't forget, lots of coffee and you will get through the day just fine.
Geek out!