Thursday, January 28, 2016

Ugh, Why Are Thursdays The Worst?

Netflix and chill.
You know that feeling when you wake up and for a few seconds you think it's Friday and you just have to get through the day and you can enjoy the weekend? So you get yourself out of bed somehow only to realise it's Thursday.
Also, don't you hate it when your friends talk you into doing stuff you don't want? Especially when all you want is to stay at home in bed all day and sleep? Then again you can't always stay inside, that's just antisocial. *Or so I keep hearing...*
But then you do go out and end up at a movie theater. What's up with those nowadays? I mean seriously, what happened to good manners and showing some respect? I used to love to go to the movies with my friends, have a good time, see a new movie, eat a ton of popcorn... But now honestly, every time someone asks me to go see a movie there's about a thousand other things I can think of I'd rather do, clean my room, work an extra Saturday, literally anything else. And don't get me wrong. it's not because the movies suck, or because the prices have gone up *well, let's not ignore that completely either*, it's actually because of the other people in the theater. This new wave of teens and pre-teens or whatever they are called are ruining the movie theater viewing experience *is that a thing?*. I went to see an action movie the other day, man they wouldn't stop talking! And I don't mean normal commentary during the movie, or even about the movie, no I mean nonsense and childish gossip. Now you might say, well wait a minute, you're being too harsh. All I have to say to that is: NO! Trust me, I'm usually a very calm person, I don't really get upset that easily, also I don't really care what goes on around me. But if I go to the movies and you sit in the back and I can't hear the movie, in the freakin movie theater because of you, than you know you are being loud and obnoxious.
Phew, ranting feels good sometimes. No worries, this is easy enough to fix, this geek prefers to stay home and watch her Netflix queue! Anyone else having the same issues? I really hope you aren't, if you are tell me what you think we could do to take back the movie theater. Ha ha, have a good day.
Geek out!

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Early Morning Wake Up Calls and Weekend Fever

Winter has it's moments.
Waking up early is as much of a reward as it is a burden. And some things even coffee can't fix. Of course that doesn't mean we don't try, after all there is no good morning without coffee. So let's get started with our day shall we?
The good news *and yes I have some good news at this ungodly hour* is that today is Wednesday which means we are only 3 days away from the weekend! Can I get a whoop whoop? *Sorry, I go full nerd sometimes*.
Anyway, every year I try to experience new things and visit new places go on exciting adventures. So I need ideas for this year, what cool places have you been to that left an impression and have earned themselves a place in your memories forever? Travelling is one of the things that keeps me going on early mornings such as this one, or at least the hope of travelling in the future. Making plans and dreaming of places far away. Recently, dreaming of places where the temperatures aren't sub freezing like say -13 degrees Celsius. As you can imagine my fluffy blanket is stuck to me like superglue! But winter does have it's advantages, it comes with a sense of nostalgia and magic. Turning the usual, mundane things into beautiful pieces of art. And I love that!
Also, it makes photography so much more fun. I love sharing my view of the world through photography, somehow it seems to be a window into someone's life without having met them before. I always feel better when I'm behind a camera looking through my lens at how the world is moving and changing. I feel safe there, more like me. Do you ever have that feeling? Like it's the one thing that makes you smile no matter how bad a day you are having? Let me know what makes you feel that way and if you hate early morning wake up calls as much as me. Have a fun and productive day.
Geek out!

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Snowmageddon and Arrow fandom

Snowy days require hot coffee.
And a snowy morning to you too! How's that old saying go? "Ask and you shall receive". Well I asked and I sure did receive. The weirdest thing happened, I woke up this morning to what *from my window at 7 AM* looked like snowmageddon! I'm not even joking, I know it sounds very doom and gloom *it is what I was going for after all* but I honestly can't figure out what happened. It's like we went to sleep during the spring and woke up in the middle of the winter. I have this weird feeling like I should start decorating my house for Christmas and go shopping for presents. Ha ha, Déjà-vu!
I guess I should be happy, after all I did say I was annoyed with the lack of snow lately, it's just I didn't expect it to appear out of the blue and take over everything. Oh well, happy to have it.
As you can imagine I got to work covered in snow and in dire need of a hot cup of coffee and my fuzzy blanket, luckily I found both at work.
In other news, Flash and Arrow are back! Let's all take a moment to settle down and let our hearts calm down a bit. Alrighty, now that we all stopped jumping up and down like little kids, how great is that!!! Flash was amazing, can't wait to watch Arrow tonight, I have all these questions like what happened to Felicity? Was that her gravestone in the beginning? For some reason I always thought it would be Captain Lance's. Also, does Oliver get elected as mayor? Can't wait to get home tonight, grab some popcorn and enjoy the new episode. Anyone else get this excited about TV series? Or am I alone in my fandom or weirdness, not sure about these two. Oh well, geeks will be geeks. Let me know what you think of the new episode or if you have any predictions about what's to come.
Also, tomorrow is Friday! I leave you to jump up and down with excitement over that news. Have a good one.
Geek out!

Monday, January 18, 2016

Netflix addictions and hot coffee.

Monday morning routine.
I'd like to say good morning. But seeing as this is a Monday, I can't pretend there's anything good about this morning. So I'll just start with, 'sup? *Yes, I'm aware nobody has said that in a very long time.*
I hope you all had a long and comfy weekend. Mine was a bit longer than usual, 4 day weekend, I highly recommend it! Spent it mostly *as expected* in bed, the usual routine, comfy pj's, food and netflix! Btw, does anyone else get lost in Netflix sometimes? Or is that just me? I mean I was on it the other night and I just started watching an episode of Grey's Anatomy, and by the time I looked up from my screen, the sun was about to rise and I was watching some movie about ghosts and supernatural beings! Not sure if that's sad or scary. Anyone else ever been in this situation?
In other news, I'm a big Instagrammer, not as in I have a lot of followers, more like I love it! And these days it seems all anyone can post is pictures of beautiful snow. Sadly, my city is lacking snow big time! It's like the freaking spring over here. Sunshine and great weather. Not that I normally mind good weather, it's just, come on, we had like 2 days of snow and even those were more like a snow preview to be honest. I love building snowman and having snowball fights. *Yes, I realise I sound like a little kid, so what?* So if anyone is bored of having snow, please do send some to us over here. We would be so happy to take it of your hands, or city, ugh you get it.
Not very likely, I know. But hey, a geek can dream, right? Ha ha.
I leave you know to "enjoy" this Monday as my coffee is waiting for me. Have a good one.
Geek out!

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Rainy days and fuzzy blankets.

Voila! Bon appetit!
Nothing worse than a rainy day, or week, to make you feel blue. I enjoy rain as much as the next person, I just usually prefer it during the weekend when I don't have to be productive or think or you know, change out of my pajamas.
Anyway, in other more positive news, I tried the mini quiche recipe, better yet I didn't burn down the house in the process, ha ha. I have to say, it was less work than I first imagined, also the ingredients needed were all things I had in my fridge. So that was a big plus! Not to mention, it was really tasty! So if you have an hour to spare before your party or your movie night with friends, I definitely recommend trying this recipe. The downside, your guests might not leave and ask for more, so be prepared for that.
Wow! I almost forgot, did anyone watch The Shannara Chronicles? I am hooked! If you haven't seen it, check out the trailer. I'm pretty sure that is all it will take to at least make you intrigued enough to watch it.
Now excuse me while I go fill my mug with some coffee and I go looking for my fuzzy blanket. All necessary things to get through this rainy, cold, Tuesday that for some reason, feels more like a Monday. Does that ever happen to you? Monday, Tuesday, they seem to be the evil stepsisters of the rest of the week, determined to ruin everyone''s fun! Oh well, necessary evil and all that. I leave you with my: how to make mini quiche appetizers, video. Hope you enjoy it and let me know if you tried it out!
Geek out!

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Late mornings and foamy cappuccinos

Good morning fellow geeks, and non geeks of course. Do you know what makes all the difference between a bad morning and a good morning? You guessed it! For this coffee addict it's a delicious hot foamy cappuccino! Getting enough sleep is also on the list, which sadly I am not getting enough of. I hate those mornings when your alarm goes off and you feel like you've just been asked to work a double shift, after being at work for about 72 hours.
In other news, I am beyond excited that all my favorite TV shows are slowly returning one by one. I am officially caught up with every single one *yes, I have a magic list with all my favorite shows and the days they air, what, that's normal!*
Anyway, what shows do you like? Are you as hooked on them as I am? Nothing wrong with that! Though this addiction may be a factor in my non sleeping problem, but then again, I'd rather watch Arrow or Grey's Anatomy, How to get away with murder, and so on, instead of sleeping.
Besides, I have my trusty coffee to get me through the day! What is your secret to staying awake?
Fun fact, one of my passions is trying new things, be it a DIY project, starting a blog, photography, or, since I love food *I mean who doesn't?*, trying out amazing and fun recipes. You're probably wondering why I am mentioning this, out of the blue? Well I found this really cool recipe for Quiche Toast Cups. Since I am sharing my everyday ramblings with you guys, I will try and document the process of making these myself! I'll keep you updated and show you the results, hopefully. Ha ha. Untill then, I wish you a great week!
Geek out!

Monday, January 4, 2016

New year resolutions and fuzzy champagne

Fuzzy champagne.
First of all, 2015 you were great and you will be missed! *takes a moment of silence, and a big sip of coffee*.
Now, how is your first Monday going? Mine, as it turns out is going great. Got to sleep in, got my coffee and my trusted laptop close by. Also, I get to spend it in bed under my comfy blanket and pretty much sleep the day away. Decided to lock myself inside for the day, binge watch some shows, order some food and avoid the outside world for a little bit longer. *wow, I sound like one of those people that are happy when plans get cancelled. Oh wait, I am one of those people. Ha ha.*
How was your new years eve? Was it everything you hoped it would be? Did you wear your shiny dresses and bow ties? Also did you kiss anyone at midnight?
I always liked that, kissing someone at midnight, like that somehow meant you would be together and it would all be ok for the coming year at least. Oh well, fairy tales will make your reality a bit distorted.
Also, did you make your new year resolutions? I have a few. Last year I had a lot of them and I didn't manage to do them all, so this year I am keeping it simple. Be brave and look for the unexpected, try and meet new people as often as I can, be more social *apparently being a geeky shut in that is more comfortable in her room with her head buried in her devices and books is frowned upon*, and learn something new.
These are the basics that I hope will drive me this year. What are some of your resolutions? Are you keeping it simple? I hope this Monday treats you right, I am off to start binge watching Grey's Anatomy. Don't forget, lots of coffee and you will get through the day just fine.
Geek out!