Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Shiny dresses and movie nights

Red lips and shiny dresses.

Did you notice how New Years is becoming bigger than Christmas? Have you also been swept up in the immensity of this evening and this, almost forced, need to party? Don't get me wrong I love a good party as much as the next person, it's just that this celebration of starting a new year has turned more into a reason to throw a huge party. Also, for some reason, people feel the need to outdo themselves, for instance if they attended a house party the year before that had about 20-30 guests, they feel this year they have to attend a bigger party or a more extravagant one. I feel this is partly society's fault, influencing people and creating the ultimate "peer pressure" feeling.
I'm more of a go with the flow person, in the sense that, I'm fine with going to a party, or going to a friends place and just hanging out or even staying at home in my cozy pajamas and just ordering some food and watching a good movie or show.
Oh well, does everyone already know what they are doing for New Years? Also what are all of you wearing? I wanna hear about shiny dresses, accessories and shoes!
I am seriously loving the idea of just staying home and watching movies. And before you start thinking I'm this socially awkward person that feels more comfortable in her room than around strangers at a party, no actually, you can think that. I'm kinda like that, ha ha.
This geek will wake a comfy bed over a loud party with strangers any day of the week, especially on a Monday.
Then again, ordering food with some good friends and goofing around does sound fun!
Wherever you may end up, I hope you ring in the new year being happy and comfortable and with good vibes all around you. Let me know what you will be up to and what you're wearing in the comment section below.
Catch you next year geeks and non geeks alike.
Geek out!

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Christmaholics season

Christmas magic.
'Tis the season to be happy! Best time of the year is, hands down, Christmas. There's something about this holiday that brings out the best in everyone. All the foolish grudges are put aside, friends you rarely see come visiting and family you usually avoid, for one reason or another, is together in one place. And you're happy about it. Magical time of the year indeed.
It's not just about the presents, and as we get older I think we realise that more and more. You know how when you were little you always wanted all the new toys and sweets and whatever else you thought you couldn't live without. Now, it's more about the things you can't buy. Don't get me wrong, I love gifts, but I think time spent with people who love you or seeing someone that really needs it happy, well those things are somehow better than any present.
I love spending the day at home getting everything ready for Christmas dinner. I think everyone has their own traditions and small things that make this day special to them. Mine of course all involve the usual, family time, cooking with mom, spending time with my dad, skyping with my sister, tons of coffee to get through all of it. Ha ha.
Then there's also the best part, you're home with no other plans, so you can say, do all those things while wearing your comfy onesie and fluffy socks. Or is that just me? Oh well, being a rambling geek in a onesie with fluffy socks is perfectly normal, or so I hope. At least on Christmas it is.
I hope everyone has the best time and spends it the right way, with their loved ones and a delicious cup of coffee. Though, maybe some will exchange that for eggnog? Have a good one!
Geek out.

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Twas the day of the party

Stillness reveals the secrets of eternity.
Everyone loves a good party! You know what I don't love? Waking up at 7AM, nope that's not fun and usually not realistic for me. Since today is the day of our office Christmas party, I decided to get a jump on things, hence the waking up at that ungodly hour. So just for some context, I am pretty much sporting a look that could pass as an extra from The Walking Dead, also rocking some loud music and drinking, what I'm pretty sure is an unacceptable amount of coffee. Also, I'm currently stalking the UX Reactions page daily hoping for a new post. So if by any miracle, you guys see this, please PLEASE start posting again, sincerely every geek fan!
Anyone else waste copious amounts of hours getting lost on 9gag or thehumortrain? I mean you start out with one post about a funny looking cat and somehow you end up 3 hours later looking at memes of otters. Aw, otters, I love how they hold "hands" when they sleep so they don't drift apart. Where was I? Ah yes, getting lost on the Internet, dangerous place.
Also, am I the only one that starts watching an episode of a TV show and ends up at 3AM saying just one more and then I'll go to sleep? This could very well be what's causing my coffee addiction. Oh well, I really need to wake up so I am going full nerd - 30 second dance party! Grab your dancing shoes everyone.
Geek out!

Monday, December 21, 2015

Case of the monday scarries

First Christmas gift this year.
Love the coffee candle! ♥
I believe Shakespeare said it best when he said: "to sleep or not to sleep". No wait, that sounds wrong. Sorry, I haven't had my coffee yet. Anyway you know how Sundays you say you are going to go to sleep early so you are well rested and a functional person on Monday? Yeah, I had that plan last night, so obviously I watched movies until 2AM. So this morning was all about changing my mind over and over again, and as if the weather and the fact that it's Monday wasn't enough, my bed was giving me a hard time. Trying to trick me with offering me sleep and fuzzy blankets.
Long story short, I got out of bed and braved the cold Monday morning air, not without my comfy Christmas sweater of course. The really good news is there's only 3 days left till Christmas! Does everyone have all their gifts bought and wrapped? Mine are all under the tree or safely hidden away in the closet. (That's normal, right?)
I love how the city and all the buildings get Christmafied (still not sure that's a real word), all the pretty decorations and the shiny lights, they just make me love the holidays even more. 
You know what I hate though? Christmas shopping, when you go looking for presents and you half way know what you want and half way don't? Then there's all those people, I mean seriously? I honestly believe people multiply during the holiday season, I mean I never see that many people in one place, like ever? Where do they all come from? Have they been here all along? It's all just so confusing and tiring and loud. The part I do love is wrapping the presents, I have this tradition with my dad, we always wrap the presents together, he mostly does all the work though (I'm not the best wrapper, but I make a good wrapper-helper, wrapping intern?). It's one of my favourite holiday traditions. 
What are some of your favourite holiday traditions? I hope they somehow involve coffee and family and fun! 
Geek out!

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Fuzzy pajamas and a change of plans

Cozy Saturday mornings.
I love being able to sleep till late on a Saturday morning. It's like a small gift after a hell of a week. Then there's the added benefit that you know you've got no plans, nothing to do but stay inside and spend your day watching movies or sleeping or blogging.
I love my Saturday mornings, my hot foamy cappuccino and, as expected from a geek like myself, checking to see what's going on in the online world. Still not sure whether my addiction to coffee or social media is of concern or normal in this day and age.
Sadly, we all know how something that seems perfect can turn on you and make you want to crawl under your fluffy blanket and refuse to come out. As Christmas is just around the corner, my plan free Saturday of leisure I had "not planned", now has a plan. Trust me, I'm as sad as it sounds. (Get it, not planned cause of the whole no plans for the weekend thing, umm..you get it right?).
Loads of Christmas shopping awaits, wrapping gifts and soaking up the overly Christmafied (not sure that's a word), spirit that can be found in all the stores. The good thing about those stores is they have coffee shops so yay!
I really hope you guys have better luck and reading this while still in bed. For those of you that are, enjoy your carefree Saturday,  for the rest of us that have to face the outside world, take comfort in knowing you are not alone and prepare yourself with comfy over sized sweaters, boots and fluffy scarf. Good luck.
Geek out!

Friday, December 18, 2015

Missed alarms, a large coffee please!

Christmas decorations & comfy sweaters.
Don't you just hate it when your alarm doesn't go off? Like it's not hard enough to wake up early on a Friday, now you have the added problem of being late. You know how they say Monday mornings are the worst, sometimes I feel like Friday mornings win that one. I mean, you're already in that weekend mood, all you want to do is sleep in till late and watch cartoons, instead you have to wake up early (if you're lucky and your alarm works), get dressed and face the cold outside all so you can get to work and you know, start working. It's like a lose - lose situation.
Anyway, let's get on our feet and end this pity party we have going. Good news is tomorrow is Saturday!
I love weekends! I have my usual weekend habits,  you know sleep in, watch my favourite TV shows (binge watch is more like it), eat great food, stay in my pajamas all day and let's not forget about the beloved coffee. I think my favourite part about the weekend is that feeling you have, like you are free to do whatever you want, go on a spur of the moment road trip to anywhere or just sleep all day, there's a sense of freedom.
Sadly, to get to that part we all have to survive this Friday first, so let's get ready, gather your courage, headphones, coffee and whatever else helps you get through the day and let's go.
Geek out!

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Ramblings of an overly caffeinated geek

To all the Starbucks & Christmas lovers!
Morning routines. Everyone has one, some people like to start their morning by reading the newspaper, some like to eat their favourite cereal and watch the morning cartoons. Then there's us, the geeks, we usually start with our heads buried in our devices and we only emerge for a sip of hot fresh made coffee. (Looks for favourite Starbucks mug and takes a sip of a foamy Cappuccino).

Nowadays with how popular and easily accessible Social Media is and how omnipresent the Internet is, it feels like this could be the age of the geek. Which is fine by me, seeing as how I'm pretty much addicted to Instagram and I'm a big fan of Facebook, let's not get into my feelings about blogs! So, I think it's safe to say, I feel pretty at home in this era. I've gotten used to seeing the world mostly through my devices. I do get the occasional break from what is now my usual routine, when I go exploring, or when I travel. Then I usually get to see the world from behind my camera.

Now don't go picturing one of those people that walk around with their nose in their phones or tablets, that by accident hit a pole and say sorry without looking up to see what or who they hit. (I always find that so funny, apologizing to poles on the street, ha ha.)
So yes, we have entered what I like to call the age of the geek, and it's fueled by love for technology and the ultimate superpower - social media. Also, at least in my case, by lots and lots of delicious coffee!
Now that I have been rambling to you for what seems like a long time, I leave you to your day, or the end of your day for some of you. Time to go home, get into fuzzy pajamas and watch Arrow!
Geek out!